Modlee client for modlee server.
import os
import requests
import cloudpickle as pickle
import functools
from modlee.config import SERVER_ORIGIN as REMOTE_ORIGIN
import json
class ModleeClient(object):
A client for making requests to the server.
def __init__(self, origin=LOCAL_ORIGIN, api_key=None, *args, **kwargs):
ModleeClient constructor.
:param origin: The server origin (scheme://hostname:port).
:param api_key: The user's API key for authenticating functionality to the server.
if api_key == "kF4dN7mP9qW2sT8v":
elif api_key is not None:
self.origin = origin
self.get_object = self.get_callable
self.get_function = self.get_callable
self.timeout = 3
self.api_key = api_key
def available(self):
Check if the server is available.
:return: Whether the server is available.
ret = self.get()
if ret is not None:
return 200 <= ret.status_code < 400
return False
def post(self, path="", *args, **kwargs):
Post a request.
:param path: The URL path, defaults to "".
:return: The response.
return self._request(path=path, method="post", *args, **kwargs)
def get(self, path="", *args, **kwargs):
Get a request.
:param path: The URL path, defaults to "".
:return: The response.
return self._request(path=path, method="get", *args, **kwargs)
def _request(self, path="", method="get", *args, **kwargs):
Send request to the origin
:param path: The URL path, defaults to "".
:param method: The request method, defaults to "get".
:return: The response.
req_url = f"{self.origin}/{path}"
kwargs["timeout"] = kwargs.get("timeout", self.timeout)
# Set headers only if not already defined
kwargs_headers = kwargs.get(
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "*",
"X-API-KEY": self.api_key,
"X-API-KEY": self.api_key,
"auth": (self.api_key, self.api_key),
"headers": kwargs_headers,
ret = getattr(requests, method)(req_url, *args, **kwargs)
if ret.status_code >= 400:
if ret.status_code != 404:
ret = None
except requests.Timeout as e:
ret = None
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
ret = None
return ret
def login(self, api_key=""):
Log the user in.
:param api_key: The user's ID
return self.post(path=f"login", data={"user_id": api_key})
def get_attr(self, path=""):
Get an attribute from the server.
:param path: The server-side path of the attribute to get, defaults to "".
:return: The server attribute.
return self.get(f"modlee/{path}")
def get_callable(self, path=""):
Get a callable function from the server.
:param path: The server-side path of the callable to get, defaults to "".
:return: The callable, or None if not retrievable.
ret = self.get_attr(path)
if ret is not None:
ret = pickle.loads(ret.content)
return ret
def get_script(self, path=""):
Get a script from the server.
:param path: The server-side path of the script to get, defaults to "".
:return: The script as text, or None if not retrievable.
return self.get(f"modleescript/{path}")
def get_module(self, path=""):
Get a module from the server.
:param path: the server-side path of the module to get, defaults to "".
:return: The module, or None if not retrievable.
ret = self.get_script(path)
if ret is not None:
ret = ret.content
return ret
def post_file(self, file, filepath):
Post a file (as text) to save on the server.
:param file: The local file to send.
:param filepath: The server-side relative path for the file.
:return: Response if successful, None if failed.
with open(file, "rb") as _file:
res = self.post(
data={"filepath": filepath},
files={"file": _file},
return res
with open(file, "rb") as _file:
res = self.post(path="postfile", data={"filepath": filepath})
print(f"Could not access file {file}")
return None
def post_run(self, run_path):
Post a local experiment run to save on the server.
:param run_path: The path of the run to save.
:return: Whether saving all files was successful. Partial failures still return False.
ignore_files = ["model.pth", ".npy", ".DS_Store", "__pycache__"]
error_files = []
def skip_file(rel_filepath):
Skip file if ignore_files in filepath
for ignore_file in ignore_files:
if ignore_file in rel_filepath:
return True
return False
run_id = os.path.basename(run_path)
# Check that there are items in the directory
if not os.path.exists(run_path) or len(os.listdir(run_path)) < 1:
return False
for dirs_files in os.walk(run_path):
base_dir, _, files = dirs_files
for file in files:
filepath = os.path.join(base_dir, file)
rel_filepath = filepath.split(run_id)[-1]
if skip_file(rel_filepath=rel_filepath):
server_filepath = "/".join([self.api_key, run_id, rel_filepath])
res = self.post_file(filepath, server_filepath)
if res is None:
if len(error_files) > 0:
return False
return True
def post_run_as_json(self, run_path):
Convert the specified mlruns' directory structure and files to JSON format,
excluding files that match patterns in ignore_files. Tracks files that could not be processed.
:param run_path: The path of the run to convert to JSON.
:return: A dictionary representing the directory structure and files in JSON format,
or None if the directory is empty or doesn't exist.
ignore_files = ["model.pth", ".npy", ".DS_Store", "__pycache__"]
ignore_exts = [".ckpt", ".pth"]
error_files = []
def skip_file(file_name):
Skip file if it matches any pattern in ignore_files.
:param file_name: The name of the file to check.
:return: True if the file should be skipped, False otherwise.
for ignore_file in ignore_files:
if ignore_file in file_name:
return True
elif os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1] in ignore_exts:
return True
return False
def dir_to_json(path):
Recursively convert a directory structure to a JSON-compatible dictionary.
:param path: The directory path to convert.
:return: A dictionary representing the directory's structure and contents.
result = {}
for item in os.listdir(path):
item_path = os.path.join(path, item)
if os.path.isdir(item_path):
result[item] = dir_to_json(item_path) # Recurse into subdirectories
elif not skip_file(item):
with open(item_path, "r") as file:
result[item] = json.load(file)
except (json.JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
with open(item_path, "r") as file:
] = file.read() # Read file content as plain text
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error reading file {item_path}: {e}")
result[item] = f"Error reading file: {e}"
return result
# Check that there are items in the directory
if not os.path.exists(run_path) or len(os.listdir(run_path)) < 1:
return False
json_data = dir_to_json(run_path)
if len(error_files) > 0:
print(f"Error processing the following files: {error_files}")
return False
# Define the temporary file path
temp_file_path = "logs.json"
with open(temp_file_path, "w") as tmp_file:
json.dump(json_data, tmp_file, indent=4)
# Post the file
run_id = os.path.basename(run_path)
server_filepath = "/".join([self.api_key, run_id]) # , 'logs.json'])
res = self.post_file(temp_file_path, server_filepath)
if res is None:
return False
return True