The converter module holds the Converter class for converting between different formats of a neural network.
The supported formats include Torch and ONNX.
The Torch formats include:
- Model, the object which contains the forward pass and can be trained
- Code, the model as text code that can be saved to a file and used to rebuild the model
The ONNX formats include:
- Graph, the network represented as a graph with layers as nodes
- Text, the textual description of the graph that is portable and can be rebuilt into a graph
import copy
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
import os, inspect, sys
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import torchsummary
import torch
import onnx2torch
import onnx_graphsurgeon as gs
import onnx
from onnx.tools import net_drawer
ONNX_MINOR_VERSION = int(onnx.__version__.split(".")[1])
import re
from functools import partial
import torch, onnx2torch
from torch import tensor
'hello world',
'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'*10,
'the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell',
class Converter(object):
Base object that holds conversion functions.
def torch_model2onnx_graph(
self, torch_model, input_dummy=None, tmp_onnx_path="./.tmp_model.onnx", **kwargs
Convert a Torch Model to ONNX Graph.
Note that to reduce the size of the output graph, we set `export_params=False`.
This and other parameters can be passed as `**kwargs` to `torch.onnx.export`.
:param torch_model: The Torch Model to convert.
:param input_dummy: A tensor input to the Torch Model, required for the ONNX parser to determine tensor sizes.
:param tmp_onnx_path: A placeholder location to save the ONNX graph
# Keeping gradients on may cause issues, so turn them off
if input_dummy is None:
input_dummy = torch.randn([10, 3, 300, 300])
input_dummy.requires_grad = False
if hasattr(torch_model, 'device'):
input_dummy = input_dummy.to(device=torch_model.device)
with torch.no_grad():
for param in torch_model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
"input_1": [0],
# "gemm_1": {0: "batch_size"},
"gemm_1": [0],
for param in torch_model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = True
# The model we load will have no parameters initialized
onnx_model = onnx.load(tmp_onnx_path)
# Initialize the parameterless model
onnx_model = self.onnx_parameterless2onnx(onnx_model)
return onnx_model
torch2onnx = torch_model2onnx_graph
def torch_model2torch_code(self, torch_model, *args, **kwargs):
Convert a Torch Model to Torch Code.
:param torch_model: The Torch Model to convert.
:return torch_code: The Torch Code.
onnx_model = self.torch2onnx(torch_model, *args, **kwargs)
onnx_text = self.onnx2onnx_text(onnx_model)
model_code = self.onnx_text2code(onnx_text)
return model_code
torch2code = torch_model2torch_code
def torch_model2onnx_text(self, torch_model, *args, **kwargs):
Convert a Torch Model to ONNX Text
:param torch_model: The Torch Model
:return onnx_text: The ONNX Text
return self.onnx2onnx_text(self.torch2onnx(torch_model, *args, **kwargs))
torch2onnx_text = torch_model2onnx_text
def torch_code2torch_model(
self, torch_code: str, tmp_model_path="./.tmp_model.py", *args, **kwargs
Convert Torch Code into a Torch Model
:param torch_code: The Torch Code, either as a file path or the raw code text
:param tmp_model_path: The path to a cache of the code, as a *.py file
:return: The Torch model.
# If the input is a path, load the text from the file
if os.path.exists(torch_code):
with open(torch_code, "r") as _file:
torch_code = _file.read()
# Hold the text in a temporary file
self.save_code(torch_code, tmp_model_path)
return self.torch_file2torch_model(tmp_model_path)
code2torch = torch_code2torch_model
def torch_file2torch_model(self, torch_file):
Convert a Torch File into a Torch Model
:param torch_file: The Torch Code as a path
:return torch_model: The Torch Model
torch_module = SourceFileLoader(
fullname="model_module", path=torch_file
return torch_module.Model()
code_path2torch = torch_file2torch_model
def torch_model2torch_model(self, torch_model, *args, **kwargs):
Convert a PyTorch model into an equivalent PyTorch model,
but represented as a graph of layers and operations
PyTorch -> ONNX -> Code -> ONNX -> PyTorch
:param torch_model: The Torch model, created normally through code.
:return: The Torch model, after it has been graphized through ONNX.
return self.code2torch(self.torch2code(torch_model, *args, **kwargs))
torch2torch = torch_model2torch_model
torch2torch_graph = torch_model2torch_model
def onnx_file2torch_model(self, onnx_file, *args, **kwargs):
Convert an ONNX File to a Torch Model.
:param onnx_file: The ONNX File as a path.
:return torch_model: The Torch Model.
return onnx2torch.convert(onnx_file, *args, **kwargs)
onnx_path2torch = onnx_file2torch_model
def onnx_file2onnx_graph(self, onnx_file):
Convert an ONNX File to an ONNX Graph.
:param onnx_file: The ONNX File as a path.
:return onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph as a text.
with open(onnx_file, "r") as _file:
return self.onnx_text2onnx_graph(_file.read())
onnx_text_file2onnx = onnx_file2onnx_graph
def onnx_file2torch_model(self, onnx_file):
Convert an ONNX File to a Torch Model
:param onnx_file: The ONNX File as a path
:return torch_model: The Torch Model
with open(onnx_file, "r") as _file:
onnx_text = _file.read()
return self.onnx_text2torch(onnx_text)
onnx_file2torch = onnx_file2torch_model
def onnx_uninit2torch(self, onnx_graph):
Convert an uninitialized ONNX Graph to a Torch Model
:param onnx_graph: The uninitialized ONNX Graph
:return torch_model: The Torch Model
return self.onnx_graph2torch_model(self.onnx_parameterless2onnx(onnx_graph))
def onnx_text2torch_code(self, onnx_text):
Convert ONNX Text to Torch Code
:param onnx_text: The ONNX Text
:return torch_code: The Torch Code
torch_model = self.onnx_text2torch_model(onnx_text)
torch_code = self.torch_graph2code(torch_model)
return torch_code
onnx_text2code = onnx_text2torch_code
def onnx_text2onnx_graph(self, onnx_text):
Convert ONNX Text to an ONNX Graph.
:param onnx_text: The ONNX Text
:return onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph
# If on Python 3.12, likely using a newer ONNX
onnx_text = self.convert_onnx116(onnx_text)
return onnx.parser.parse_model(onnx_text)
onnx_text2onnx = onnx_text2onnx_graph
def onnx_text2torch_model(self, onnx_text: bytes):
Convert ONNX Text to Torch Model.
:param onnx_text: The ONNX Text as bytes.
:return: The Torch Model.
onnx_graph = self.onnx_text2onnx_graph(onnx_text)
# Load the graph into ONNX Graph Surgeon
onnx_graph = gs.import_onnx(onnx_graph)
# Initialize the tensors of the graph
onnx_graph = self.init_graph_tensors(onnx_graph)
# Re-export the graph
onnx_graph = gs.export_onnx(onnx_graph)
# Convert to Torch
torch_model = self.onnx_graph2torch_model(onnx_graph)
return torch_model
onnx_text2torch = onnx_text2torch_model
def onnx_graph2torch_model(self, onnx_graph, *args, **kwargs):
Convert an ONNX Graph to a Torch Model.
:param onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph object.
:return torch_model: The Torch Model.
# Handle conversion for newer ONNX versions
# TODO - try to remove the try/except block
return onnx2torch.convert(onnx_graph, *args, **kwargs)
onnx_text = self.onnx_graph2onnx_text(onnx_graph)
_onnx_graph = self.onnx_text2onnx_graph(onnx_text)
return onnx2torch.convert(_onnx_graph, *args, **kwargs)
onnx_text = self.onnx_graph2onnx_text(onnx_graph)
_onnx_graph = self.onnx_text2onnx_graph(onnx_text)
_onnx_graph = self.onnx_parameterless2onnx(_onnx_graph)
return onnx2torch.convert(_onnx_graph, *args, **kwargs)
return onnx2torch.convert(onnx_graph, *args, **kwargs)
onnx2torch = onnx_graph2torch_model
def onnx_graph2onnx_text(self, onnx_graph, remove_identity=False):
Convert an ONNX Graph to ONNX Text
:param onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph to convert
:param remove_identity: Whether to remove Identity layers in the output text
:return: The ONNX Text representation
def get_inner_string(s, _start, _end):
TODO rewrite the Converter().get_inner_string() to be this simple,
and handle the string splitting in a wrapper or the methods that use it
s = s[s.find(_start) + len(_start) :]
s = s[: s.rfind(_end)]
return s
onnx_str = onnx.printer.to_text(onnx_graph)
onnx_str = onnx_str.split("\n")
output_var = "None"
n_lines = len(onnx_str)
layer_name_type_dict = {}
# Regex expression to track floating point number calls"
permitted_onxx_float_pattern = r"^(\{)?-?\d*(_\d*)*(e-?\d*)?(\})?[-\d>](,)?$"
for line_ctr, onnx_uninit_line in enumerate(onnx_str):
# Skip header
if line_ctr < 6:
# Replace characters that cannot be parsed by onnx.parser.parse_model
unparseable_chars = [".", ":", "/"]
# Creating a lsit of string elements to parse
for unparseable_char in unparseable_chars:
# Tracking decmimal point separately to enable parsing of floating point numbers
# Simply converting other characters to '_' to facilitate parsing.
onnx_uninit_line = onnx_uninit_line.replace(unparseable_char, "_")
# For NASLib models, handle unparseable characters in e.g. makrograph-edge(7,8)_...
# Handles the dash, comma, and parentheses
onnx_uninit_line = re.sub(
# Refactor malformed boolean layers
if "bool" in onnx_uninit_line:
onnx_uninit_line = self.refactor_bool_layer(onnx_uninit_line)
# Refactor inf to large value:
if "inf" in onnx_uninit_line:
onnx_uninit_line = self.refactor_inf(onnx_uninit_line)
# Case: the line is defining a Constant float value that should keep the '.' within brackets {}
# e.x. const_output_0 = Constant <value = float {0_08}>
# '0_08' should be reverted back to '0.08'
onnx_uninit_line_as_list = onnx_uninit_line.split(" ")
for idx, onnx_str_item in enumerate(onnx_uninit_line_as_list):
# Only replacing decimal point with string if pattern matches, allows capture of floating point values as parameters
if re.match(permitted_onxx_float_pattern, onnx_str_item):
onnx_uninit_line_as_list[idx] = onnx_str_item.replace("_", ".")
onnx_uninit_line = " ".join(onnx_uninit_line_as_list)
if ' Constant ' in onnx_uninit_line:
onnx_uninit_line = self.convert_float(onnx_uninit_line)
# Found line with output variable, which must be a non-number
# e.g. "191" is not valid, so we override it with "output_var"
if "=>" in onnx_uninit_line:
output_var = get_inner_string(onnx_uninit_line, "=>", "{").strip()
output_var = get_inner_string(output_var, "]", ")").strip()
onnx_uninit_line = onnx_uninit_line.replace(
f"] {output_var}) {{", f"] output_var) {{"
elif line_ctr < (n_lines - 1):
# Add the layer name to the respective layer type in the "counter" dictionary
layer_name, _, layer_type = onnx_uninit_line.split()[:3]
if layer_type not in layer_name_type_dict:
layer_name_type_dict.update({layer_type: [layer_name]})
onnx_str[line_ctr] = onnx_uninit_line
onnx_str = "\n".join(onnx_str)
# Replace the output variable with the generic 'output_var'
onnx_str = onnx_str.replace(f"{output_var} =", f"output_var =")
# Refactor any variables with leading numbers
onnx_str = self.refactor_leading_number(onnx_str)
for layer_type, layer_names in layer_name_type_dict.items():
for layer_idx, layer_name in enumerate(layer_names):
if layer_name.isdigit():
onnx_str = onnx_str.replace(
layer_name, f"{layer_type.lower()}_output_{layer_idx:04d}"
if remove_identity:
onnx_str = self.remove_identity(onnx_str)
return onnx_str
onnx2onnx_text = onnx_graph2onnx_text
def filter_node(self, x):
Returns whether this is a non-layer node to filter out
Checks for substrings in the node name that indicate that it is not a layer.
:param x: The NetworkX node to check.
:return: Whether the node contains a substring indicating that it should be filtered as a non-layer.
return 'onnx::' in x \
or 'Identity' in x \
or 'fc.' in x
def prune_onnx_nx(self, onnx_nx):
Prune an ONNX NetworkX graph to just the layer nodes.
:param onnx_nx: The ONNX NetworkX graph to prune.
:return: The pruned ONNX NetworkX graph.
nodes_to_prune = [k for k in onnx_nx.nodes.keys() if self.filter_node(k)]
# help(onnx_nx.remove_node)
onnx_nx_layers_only = copy.deepcopy(onnx_nx)
for node in nodes_to_prune:
return onnx_nx_layers_only
def onnx_graph2onnx_nx(self, onnx_graph, prune=True):
Convert an ONNX graph to ONNX NetworkX.
:param onnx_graph: The ONNX graph.
:param prune: Whether to prune the NetworkX to just layer nodes, defaults to True
:return: The ONNX NetworkX graph.
onnx_graph = self.onnx_parameterless2onnx(onnx_graph)
onnx_pydot = onnx.tools.net_drawer.GetPydotGraph(
onnx_nx = nx.nx_pydot.from_pydot(onnx_pydot)
if prune:
onnx_nx = self.prune_onnx_nx(onnx_nx)
return onnx_nx
def index_nx(self, onnx_nx):
Index an ONNX NetworkX graph, by replacing the node labels with their indices.
:param onnx_nx: The ONNX NetworkX to index.
:return: The ONNX NetworkX ,indexed. The function modifies the graph in-place and the return value should be unnecessary.
relabel_dict = {}
for n,node in enumerate(onnx_nx.nodes(data=True)):
for k,v in relabel_dict.items():
return onnx_nx
def remove_identity(self, onnx_text):
Remove identity layers in ONNX Text.
:param onnx_text: The ONNX Text.
:return: The ONNX Text stripped of identity layers.
# Patterns to find 'identity_output_xxxx' assignments and their usage
# pattern_assignment = re.compile(r'identity_output_(\d{4})\s*=\s*Identity\s*\((onnx__Conv_\d+)\)')
pattern_assignment = re.compile(
assignments = {
match[0]: match[1] for match in pattern_assignment.findall(onnx_text)
# Remove the assignment lines for 'identity_output_xxxx'
onnx_text = re.sub(pattern_assignment, "", onnx_text)
# Replace each instance of 'identity_output_xxxx' with its assigned value
for identity_number, actual_value in assignments.items():
onnx_text = onnx_text.replace(
f"identity_output_{identity_number}", actual_value
# Remove multiple spaces and replace them with a single space
onnx_text = re.sub(r" +", " ", onnx_text)
# Remove chunks of blank space (multiple newlines)
onnx_text = re.sub(r"\n\s*\n", "\n", onnx_text)
return onnx_text
def refactor_bool_layer(self, input_str):
Refactor boolean layers to the correct number of input elements
The onnx.printer.to_text() function seems to remove any inputs that the parser would use.
For example, an int layer is defined like:
constant_output_0006 = Constant <value = int64[4] {3,12,-1,-1}> ()
constant_output_0005 = Constant <value = bool[1,1,3,3]___> ()
constant_output_0005 = Constant <value = bool[1,1,3,3] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}> ()
:param input_str: The string with boolean layers.
:return: The string with boolean layers properly refactored.
if "bool" not in input_str:
return input_str
bool_dim = re.search("bool\[(?P<bool_dim>.*)\]", input_str)
if bool_dim:
bool_dim = bool_dim["bool_dim"]
n_elements = np.prod([int(_b) for _b in bool_dim.split(",")])
bool_ending = r"]"
# Handle case where there is no bool dim - should just be one value
bool_dim = ""
n_elements = 1
bool_ending = "bool"
input_arg_list = f'{{{",".join("0"*n_elements)}}}'
input_str = re.sub(
f"{bool_ending}(.*)>", f"{bool_ending} {input_arg_list}>", input_str
input_str = re.sub(r"/s{2,}", " ", input_str)
return input_str
def refactor_inf(self, input_str, large_value="99999999"):
"""Replace 'inf' with a large value because the parser cannot handle infs
:param input_str: The string with 'inf'.
:param large_value: A suitably large value to replace 'inf' with, defaults to "99999999".
:return: The string with 'inf' refactored with a large value.
if not isinstance(large_value, str):
large_value = str(large_value)
if "inf" not in input_str:
return input_str
return re.sub("inf", str(large_value), input_str)
def refactor_leading_number(self, input_str):
Refactor variables with leading numbers which are not parseable,
e.g. 0_model_fc_weight -> model_0_fc_weight
:param input_str: The string with variables with leading numbers.
:return: The string with number-lead variables refactored.
return re.sub("([\s(,]+)(\d+)_*([a-zA-Z0-9]*)[\s_=]", "\\1\\3_\\2_", input_str)
# Helper functions when converting from ONNX
def init_graph_tensors(
self, onnx_gs_graph, tensor_init_fn=partial(np.random.normal, scale=0.01)
Initialize the graph's tensors, in place (you do not need to use the return value)
The input should be an ONNX graph exported from torch without parameters, i.e.
torch.onnx.export(..., export_params=False).
Identity layers get special treatment; they must be initialized for onnx2torch,
but their target shape is nested within its inputs.
Example usage:
import onnx_graphsurgeon as gs
graph = gs.import_onnx(path/to/uninitialized/model.onnx)
:param onnx_gs_graph: The ONNX GraphSurgeon Graph with uninitialized weights.
:param tensor_init_fn: The initialization function to use for the graph's weights, defaults to `np.random.normal(scale=0.01)`
:return: The ONNX GraphSurgeon Graph with tensors initialized. The function modifies the graph in place, so assigning the return to the graph is not necessary.
graph_tensors = onnx_gs_graph.tensors()
for tensor_key, tensor_value in graph_tensors.items():
# Skip initializing any tensors that are already Constants
if "constant" in str(type(tensor_value)).lower():
if "identity" not in tensor_key.lower():
# Skip tensors that are inputs/outputs and should be kept as Variables
# Converting these to constants would essentially "freeze" the network
# into deterministic outputs
if any([_substr in tensor_key for _substr in ["input", "output"]]):
if "identity" not in tensor_key.lower():
if "constant" not in tensor_key.lower():
if isinstance(tensor_value, (int, float)):
value_shape = (1,)
elif "identity" in tensor_key:
value_shape = tensor_value.inputs[0].inputs[0].shape
value_shape = tensor_value.shape
if value_shape is None:
if len(value_shape)==0:
if len(value_shape)==0:
if isinstance(value_shape[0], str):
if "dynamic_axes" in value_shape[0]:
# print(value_shape, type(value_shape))
return onnx_gs_graph
def init_onnx_params(self, onnx_graph):
Initialize a parameterless ONNX Graph
:param onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph.
:return onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph with initialized parameters.
onnx_graph = self.init_onnx_tensors(onnx_graph)
return gs.export_onnx(onnx_graph)
onnx_parameterless2onnx = init_onnx_params
def init_onnx_tensors(self, onnx_graph):
Initialize the tensors of an ONNX Graph
:param onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph
:return onnx_graph: The ONNX Graph with initalized tensors
onnx_graph = gs.import_onnx(onnx_graph)
return self.init_graph_tensors(onnx_graph)
onnx2onnx_gs = init_onnx_tensors
def save_torch(self, torch_model, filepath):
Save a PyTorch model's code representation as a `.py` file.
:param torch_model: The Torch Model to save.
:param filepath: The path to where the model should be saved, should end in `.py`.
self.save_code(self.torch2code(torch_model), filepath=filepath)
def save_code(self, torch_code, filepath):
Save a PyTorch model's sring representation as a `.py` file.
:param torch_model: The Torch Model to save.
:param filepath: The path to where the model should be saved, should end in `.py`.
with open(filepath, "w") as _file:
# Helper functions for creating code representations from a model
def get_inner_string(self, input_str, _start, _end, return_only_single_value=True):
Get the inner string between a start and end sequence.
If there are multiple potential inner strings (e.g. if there are multiple instances
of the start and/or end sequences), returns the longest valid substring.
:param input_str: The string to extract from.
:param _start: The start of the string sequence.
:param _end: The end of the string sequence.
:param return_only_single_value: Whether to return only the first whitespace-split item in the found sequence, defaults to Truedefaults to True.
:return: The inner string, or None if the _start and _end sequences could not be found.
# If cannot find either substring limiters, return None
if any([idx == -1 for idx in [input_str.find(_start), input_str.find(_end)]]):
return None
input_str = input_str[input_str.find(_start) + len(_start) :]
input_str = input_str[: input_str.rfind(_end)]
# valid attributes should just be one string
if return_only_single_value:
if len(input_str.split()) == 1:
return input_str
return None
return input_str
def get_attr_name(self, input_str):
Get the variable name of an object attribute from a string.
The input string to this function should be a line from the forward pass of a model
converted from onnx2torch, e.g. :
model_conv1_conv = getattr(self, "model/conv1/Conv")(input_1); input_1 = None
Will retrieve "model/conv1/Conv".
:param input_str: The input string from which to get the attribute from.
:return: The attribute name.
attr_name = self.get_inner_string(
input_str, _start='getattr(self, "', _end='")'
# Catch a case where the attribute is directly accessed,
# e.g. self.LogSoftmax -> retrieve "LogSoftmax"
if attr_name is None:
attr_name = self.get_inner_string(input_str, _start="self.", _end="(")
return attr_name
def get_model_attr_on_line(self, model, line):
Get attributes as {attribute_name : attribute_object} pairs
:param model: The model to retrieve attributes from.
:param line: The line that has the attribute to retrieve.
:return: A dictionary of the {attribute_name : attribute_object}.
attr_name = self.get_attr_name(line)
if attr_name:
return {attr_name: getattr(model, attr_name)}
return {}
def get_model_attrs_in_forward(self, model):
Get all of the attributes from a model's forward pass.
:param model: The model to get attributes from.
:return: A dictionary of { attribute_name : attribute_object } pairs
fwd_source = inspect.getsource(model.forward)
fwd_lines = fwd_source.split("\n")
model_attrs = {}
for fwd_line in fwd_lines[1:]:
model_attr = self.get_model_attr_on_line(model, fwd_line)
if model_attr:
return model_attrs
def get_params_for_attr(self, model_attr):
Get the parameters required to initialize an attribute object,
e.g. convolutional filter sizes / strides, frozen directly from the object.
:param model_attr: The attribute object to get parameters for.
:return: The parameters to reinitialize the object in the same state.
attrs_to_skip = ["bias"]
attr_kwargs = dict(inspect.signature(model_attr.__init__).parameters)
attr_params = {}
for attr_key, attr_val in attr_kwargs.items():
if attr_key in attrs_to_skip:
if hasattr(model_attr, attr_key):
model_attr_value = getattr(model_attr, attr_key)
# Convert potentially large tensors to constructors to reduce size
if isinstance(model_attr_value, torch.Tensor):
model_attr_value = self.tensor2init_code(
tensor_type="randn" if "initial" in attr_key else None,
attr_params.update({attr_key: model_attr_value})
if hasattr(model_attr, "state_dict"):
model_state_dict = model_attr.state_dict()
# Do this only for initializers because the output file could get large
model_state_dict = {
k: self.tensor2init_code(v, tensor_type="randn")
for k, v in model_state_dict.items()
if "initial" in k
if len(model_state_dict) > 0:
# If the model_attr is a torch module that has a state_dict, add it
return attr_params
def get_type_string(self, obj) -> str | None:
Get the type of an object as a string.
TODO - refactor this as a regex
:param obj: The object.
:return: The type of the object as a string.
return self.get_inner_string(str(obj.__class__), _start="<class '", _end="'>")
def get_init(self, model) -> str:
Get the code for a model's __init__() constructor function.
:param model: The model.
:return: The model's __init__() function as a string.
assert model is not None
model_attrs = self.get_model_attrs_in_forward(model)
onnx_attr: getattr(model, onnx_attr)
for onnx_attr in dir(model)
if "onnx" in onnx_attr
if hasattr(model, "initializers"):
model_attrs.update({"initializers": getattr(model, "initializers")})
init_attrs = []
for model_attr_name, model_attr in model_attrs.items():
attr_params = self.get_params_for_attr(model_attr)
(model_attr_name, self.get_type_string(model_attr), attr_params)
spacer = " "
spacer = " "
init_lines = [
f"{spacer}def __init__(self):",
for init_attr in init_attrs:
# Convert potentially large tensors to constructors to reduce size
kwarg_str = self.dict2code(init_attr[2])
init_line = f"{spacer*2}setattr(self,'{init_attr[0]}', {init_attr[1]}(**{kwarg_str}))"
# If the attribute is the ONNX initializer,
# 1) remove the kwargs to the module constructor call
# 2) append the code to register the initializer states
if "initial" in init_attr[0]:
# remove the just-appended line
init_line = init_lines.pop().replace("**" + kwarg_str, "")
initializer_init_str = self.get_init_module_state_dict_str(
f"self.{init_attr[0]}", kwarg_str
init_code = "\n".join(init_lines)
return init_code
def get_init_module_state_dict_str(
self, module_name_str: str, state_dict_str: str, indent_level=2
Return a string that, when called with exec(), will initialize the torch module's state dictionary.
The module will likely be a freshly initialized module with an empty state dict.
This uses register_buffer to add unexpected keys to the state dict.
:param module_name: The variable name of the module to be initialized, as a string. Must have already been initialized.
:param state_dict: A string representation of the state_dict
:param indent_level: The amount of indents (4 whitespaces) to prepend to each line, defaults to 2 for use in a class function
:return: Code text to initialize the module's state dict.
spacer = " "
ret_str = ""
ret_str += f"{spacer*indent_level}init_state_dict = {state_dict_str}\n"
ret_str += f"{spacer*indent_level}for k,v in init_state_dict.items():\n"
ret_str += f"{spacer*(indent_level+1)}{module_name_str}.register_buffer(k,v)\n"
return ret_str
def dict2code(self, kwarg_dict):
Converts a dictionary into a code string that, when called with exec(), rebuilds the dictionary.
:param kwarg_dict: The dictionary to convert.
:return: A code string to create the dictionary.
kwarg_list = []
for kwarg_key, kwarg_value in kwarg_dict.items():
formatted_kwarg_value = kwarg_value
if isinstance(formatted_kwarg_value, str):
formatted_kwarg_value = f"'{formatted_kwarg_value}'"
import os
with open(os.path.expanduser("~/kwargs.txt"), "a") as _file:
return f"{{{','.join(kwarg_list)}}}"
def tensor2init_code(self, input_tensor, tensor_type: str = None):
Converts a monovalue tensor (len(set(tensor))==1) to a string representation of its initialization.
Minifies potentially large from their explicit definition to simply 'tensor.ones((x,y))*values'.
If `tensor_type` is provided, this function will force-convert a non-uniform tensor to an
initialization string for a tensor of that type (e.g. 'randn','ones','zeros').
:param input_tensor: The tensor to convert
:param tensor_type: The tensor type to convert to, from ['randn','zeros','ones']. Will try to auto-detect if not provided.
:return: A code string to create the tensor.
if not isinstance(input_tensor, torch.Tensor):
return input_tensor
tensor_set = set(input_tensor.flatten().tolist())
if len(tensor_set) > 1:
if tensor_type is None:
# If no type override is defined, get the full class of the tensor
# to rebuild the tensor into one of the same class
full_tensor_class = re.search(
"'(?P<tensor_class>.*)'", str(type(input_tensor))
return f"{full_tensor_class}({input_tensor.numpy().tolist()})"
# If type override is defined, create a tensor in the shape
# of the input
full_tensor_class = f"torch.{tensor_type}"
return f"{full_tensor_class}({input_tensor.shape})"
tensor_value = tensor_set.pop()
tensor_shape = tuple(input_tensor.shape)
if abs(tensor_value) < 0.00000001:
output_str = f"torch.zeros({tensor_shape})"
output_str = f"torch.ones({tensor_shape})*{tensor_value}"
return output_str.replace(" ", "")
def get_forward(self, model) -> str:
Get a model's forward() pass as code.
:param model: The model.
:return: The forward() code.
spacer = " "
fwd_lines = inspect.getsource(model.forward).split("\n")
for i, fwd_line in enumerate(fwd_lines[1:]):
if "self.Tile" in fwd_line:
fwd_line = self.cast_tile_layer(fwd_line)
elif "self.Gather" in fwd_line:
fwd_line = self.cast_gather_layer(fwd_line)
fwd_lines[i + 1] = f"{spacer}{fwd_line}"
return "\n".join(fwd_lines)
def get_model_code(self, model) -> str:
Retrieve the model's string representation, which includes its constructor (__init__) and forward pass.
The code, when imported as a module or called with exec(), will rebuild the model object.
:param model: The model.
:return: The code for the entire model module.
model_init_code = self.get_init(model)
model_fwd_code = self.get_forward(model)
spacer = " "
model_code = f"""
import torch, onnx2torch
from torch import tensor
class Model(torch.nn.Module):
return model_code
torch_graph2code = get_model_code
def cast_tile_layer(self, input_str):
Cast variables in a Tile ONNX layer to the required types.
:param input_str: The string of the Tile layer.
:return: The layer string with types properly cast.
return re.sub(
"(Tile.*), (.*)\)",
"\\1, list(\\2.type(torch.int64).cpu().numpy()))",
def cast_gather_layer(self, input_str):
Cast variables in a Gather ONNX layer to the required types.
:param input_str: The string of the Gather layer.
:return: The string with types propery cast.
return re.sub("(Gather.*), (.*)\)", "\\1, \\2.type(torch.int64))", input_str)
def convert_onnx116(self, onnx_text):
Convert ONNX graph text generated with ONNX 1.16, which requires modifications
to be parseable by onnx.parser.
:param onnx_text: The
ONNX graph text to convert.
:return: The ONNX graph text converted to a format parseable by onnx.parser.
if not isinstance(onnx_text, str):
onnx_text = str(onnx_text)
return onnx_text.\
replace('_ ', ' ').\
replace(' ints =',' =').\
replace(' int =',' =').\
replace(' float =',' =').\
replace(' tensor ',' ').\
replace(' string =', ' =')
def convert_float(self, onnx_text):
return re.sub('(.*)float(.*)_(.*)', '\\1float\\2.\\3', onnx_text)